So today we went to a restaurant for lunch with Thai-tye and Erca.
We ate... it was a buffet... and it was salty... AND Erca and I laughed... a lot... probably ten minutes... VERY hard to breathe when you're laughing that hard.
And our waiter was awesome. His name was Jose and he asked Ch1k3n, "Wassat?" and pointed to Ch1k3n's water.
"Um... water."
"Okay." *leaves* *comes back with a pitcher of water*
"Want refeel?"
"Um, okay."
"Onnet." *pours glass*
"Um... Thank you."
"You gottet, man." *leaves*
And then came dessert.
They had a chocolate fountain.
So Thai-tye's teacher we met there dared him to dip his buffalo wing chicken into the chocolate.
And he did.
And ate it.
All while the teacher took a video to post on Facebook.
It was funny.
As for me, I had chocolate covered strawberries and chocolated covered fudge. If that makes sense. Which it doesn't. But anyway. Bye.