Friday, June 11, 2010

Amazing Otoscope

I just found out that we have an otoscope! (I think that's what it's called...)
It's one of those things that you look into people's ears with that doctors use!
So Nikki was over and she had Swimmer's Ear (where there's water in your ear and you can't get it out) so I looked in with the otoscope and it was NOT at ALL like I expected!
Here's how I thought it would look-
You look in and see this little room thingy with the eardrum and other muscles and bones the science books talk about.
But NO! All you see is-
Shiny skin with hairs all over it. And an occasional glob of earwax. Nothing else. No eardrum visible, none of those three bones whatchamacallits, NOTHING but skin. And hair. And earwax.
SUCH a disappointment!
But guess what??
Nikki had something in her ear poking out of the last little curve of your ear canal that you can see, and it looked exactly like a white eagle's head! It was crazy! There were even black lines that made the feathers distinct. I tried to take a picture of it, but it didn't work.
Excuse me as I take a look into Ch1k3n's ear. (By the way, when he looked into mine, he got all grossed out about the tiny hairs. Huh.)

*jeopardy muisic*

EWEWEW I am OFFICIALLY grossed out now! Here's the story-
So I went down to look into his ear (by the way, he's attempting to learn how to juggle tennis balls) and he stood there as I checked his left ear. One glob of earwax. So I check the other, and it's more like five globs (which is a lot) so I say, "Wow, this ear is really earwaxy." And he goes, "Of course, that's the ear I put my headphones in!"